Lifeblood of the Hearth
Combat Rules
Combat Rules - Capture the Keg
Combat is a fun and important part of the HoBLotH. This information will be explained in person during the daily Martial Training activities at the event. However, thou art encouraged to familiarize thyself with the rules ahead of time in order to maximize everyone's enjoyment and immersion during the event. As with many games, the rule book canst seem much more intimidating than the gameplay really is. Fear not, combat is quick to pick up, easy to understand, and fun. The following is provided to help those who wish to practice in advance or simply wish to know more about what to expect at the event.
Weapons, shields, and reagents will be provided for the players at the event (budget allowing). These items are provided on a loan basis must be returned by the end of the event. Please help take care of these items by not storing weapons with their tips down and by not setting objects on top of the weapons. (Latex weapons imprint easily) Players wishing to wear armour may do so provided they furnish the armour themselves and that it passes a routine safety inspection (e.g. no sharp rigid points).
All players will start with a one-handed sword (budget allowing). Players may have the option to purchase additional/different weapons in the armoury and reagents in the reagent shop using in-game currency if the budget allows for both additional weapons and in-game currency. Players may also discover potent magical weapons while questing (again budget providing).
HoBLotH combat is based heavily on the combat system used in AMTGARD, a popular boffer LARP group. While the core rules of target area and damage remain the same, there have been substantial changes to how magic works and the properties of different weapons. This information is detailed below. Picking up boffer combat is easy and is best learned by participatory demonstration, however, a video shall work for now:
Target Areas
This section explains valid target areas:

- Torso: Valid torso area is anything on a sleeveless t-shirt plus the groin/arse area (i.e. briefs). The head and neck are not valid.
- Arms: Anything from the shoulder seem to the wrist of a hand holding a weapon. An non-weapon hand is valid target area.
- Legs: Below the waist, outside of the briefs area, down to and including the feet (this has changed since the video was made!).
When the above target areas are struck by a weapon or spell, the player will take damage and/or die, depending on target area and the weapon/spell.

- Strike to Torso: If the player is struck in the torso by a melee weapon, ranged weapon, or spell, the player dies.
- Strike to Arm: If the player is struck by a melee weapon, ranged weapon, or spell on an arm, the player looses the ability to use that arm. The arm must be placed behind the player's back. (Thou must switch thy weapon to thine off hand or drop thy weapon if thou art dual wielding) If the player is struck again on the same arm, the player dies. A player may not use a non-weapon hand to grasp or deflect another player's weapon at any time, even if that arm is amoured.
- Strike to Leg: If the player is struck by a melee weapon, ranged weapon, or spell in the leg, the player must put the knee of the "dead" leg on the ground. Unlike arms, subsequent strikes to a "dead" leg to do count. Given this, it is in thy best interest to put thy "dead" leg forward to protect thy remaining "living" leg.
- Loss of Any Two Limbs: If the player loses any two limbs (i.e. two arms, two legs, or one of each) the player dies.
- Healing: Some players may have the ability to heal other players. (see Magic below) Healing will restore a lost limb to use. Restoring a limb does not reset armour durability. (see Armour below)
- Timing: Combat uses the "atomic clock" method of damage dealing, also known as the "lightsaber" method. This means that damage is dealt the instant the weapon makes contact with the target area. If two combatants swing at each other and Player One strikes Player Two's arm a split second before Player Two lands a stirke on Player One's torso, Player Two has lost their arm and Player One takes no damage. If Player Two had struck first, Player One would be dead and Player Two will still have their arm.
- Honour: Be Virtuous. It is up to players to call their own hits. A hit that only brushes a player's clothing does not count but even the lightest touch on valid target area counts as hit. For safety, it is not desirable to encourage each other to hit harder, so please be Virtuous and own up when thou hast been hit. Remember, the goal is to have fun. If a player is found to be repeatedly sloughing off hits, they will be fined in-game currency (if present) and removed from combat for the duration of the battle or fighter related quests. Additionally, any players found to be purposefully striking illegal target area (e.g. the face) or is repeatedly hitting too hard will be removed from play and possibly ejected from the event. Physical contact between combatants (e.g. grappling) is prohibited unless otherwise agreed upon as a specific form of advanced combat (e.g. a sanctioned and confined wrestling match with clearly defined rules and expectations).
Death and Resurrection
Death at the HoBLotH canst occur several ways. Resurrection also occurs in a few different ways depending on context. Combat at the HoBLotH takes place in three venues: Open Questing, Bracket Tournament, and on the Battlefield (See Battle Game Rules). Each type is slightly different to maximize safety and fun.

- Open Questing Death: When the player sustains enough combat damage as described above to die, the player falls to the ground. (dramatic deaths are encouraged) If the player is in a party, the player must wait to resurrect until combat has been fully resolved (i.e. the party is victorious or totally wiped out). If the party is defeated, the combat encounter resets (i.e. all opponents reset) and play proceeds according ot the judgment of the quest designer. All limbs, armour, and spells are reset on resurrection.
- Bracket Tournament: When a player sustains enough combat damage to die in a tournament, they need not die dramatically. (though thou mayest if thou like) The tournament will be single elimination so once a player is dead, they are out of the tournament. There is not resurrection for Tournaments. (This is for the official Hearth run tournament. Individually run tournaments may have different rules.)
- Battlefield Death: (Battle Game Rules) If a player dies on the battlefield, they fall to the ground (again, drama is encouraged) but should not lie prone. Instead, players should lie on their back or sit and remain alert so as not to get stepped on. The player will count out loud fifteen (15) seconds and then they will resurrect partially and become a Ghost. Players may not talk about game related things while dead other than to count (e.g. "Boy this is fun!" is fine, "The flag is around the corner, I saw it!" is not). As a Ghost, the player may stand and walk around. Ghosts must immediately collect any dropped weapons, spell components, and/or ranged ammunition, and then return to their starting zone. Once the player reaches their starting zone, they are fully resurrected and may re-enter combat. While the player is a Ghost, they must hold at least one hand above their head and repeatedly say "oooOOOooOOoOOOooo" to let other players know they are not valid targets. Players may not fake death by counting out loud or saying "oooOOOooOOoOOOooo" to entice an opponent to drop their guard. If a player is found to be faking death or Ghosting, they will be fined in-game currency (if present) and removed from combat for the duration of the battle.
- Battlefield Resurrection: Certain players may have the ability to grant resurrection. If a player is successfully resurrected (while either dead or as a Ghost) they immediately return to life on the spot (as soon as they gather their equipment). All limbs, armour, and spells are reset.
Armour canst provide protection during combat. Armour canst be broken, but it resets with each life. It is up to the wearer to keep track of the durability of their armour. A player caught repeatedly lying about their durability will be ejected from combat and fined in-game currency. Armour protects only the area that it covers, not the entire limb. (i.e. bracers only protect the fore-arm, not the entire arm) When armour is damaged, its durability is reduced. When the durability reaches zero, the armour is broken and no longer protects the wearer. (e.g. a strike on a broken bracer will still cause the receiver to lose their arm) Durability is not repaired if a limb is regenerated however, durability resets to full upon resurrection.
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Leather Armour: Leather armour protects against one point of damage from a standard melee or ranged weapon. |
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Metal Armour: Metal armour protects against two points of damage from a standard melee or ranged weapon. Metal armour must not have sharp or pointed edges. Any armour deemed dangerous to either players or the latex weapons will not be allowed. |
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Shield: Shields may or may not be available at the event. Shields have a durability of ten and are immune to standard melee and ranged attacks. Some weapons and spells have the ability to do durability damage to shields as described below. If a limb holding a shield is lost, the player must drop the shield or switch it to their other arm. If a shield's durability reaches zero, the shield is broken and the player must drop the shield. Shield durability resets upon resurrection. |
There are many types of weapons available to thee at the HoBLotH. Non-throwing weapons may never be thrown and throwing weapons may not be used as melee weapons. Weapons may not be lost or stolen up death. (link to FAQ on bringing your own weapon)Weapon selection subject to change due to budget.
![]() Damage: 1 |
One-Handed Sword: Each player starts with a one-handed sword (provided by The Hearth at Martial Training). This weapon does one point of durability damage per strike against armour. This weapon does not receive a bonus if used with two hands. Players mayest purchase a second one-handed sword from the armoury if they wish. A one-handed is less than 95 cm total (not blade) length. |
![]() Damage: 1 |
Dagger: Functions identically to a One-Handed Sword. May not be thrown. Daggers may be purchased from the armoury. |
![]() (2-H) Damage: 2 (1-H) Damage: 1 |
Bastard Sword: A hand-and-a-half sword. This weapon is longer but heavier than a one-handed sword. When used with one hand, it does one point of durability damage per strike against armour. When used with two hands, it does two points of durability damage against armour (e.g. if it strikes leather armour, the strike destroys the leather armour and does a point of damage to the body. If it strikes metal armour with two hands, that armour piece is broken). A bastard sword is between to 95 cm and 115 cm total (not blade) length. |
![]() (2-H) Damage: 2 (1-H) Damage: 1/2 |
Two-Handed Sword: Even heavier than a Bastard Sword this item's advantage is its reach. When used with two hands, this weapon does two points of durability damage against armour. When used with one hand, this weapon incurs a penalty and only does a half point of damage to armour and bodies (e.g. it would take two hits on an unarmoured body part to remove the limb or kill and two hits to break through a piece of leather armour). A two-handed sword is greater than 115 cm total (not blade) length. |
![]() Damage: 1 Shield Damage: 1 |
Mace: Identical to a One-Handed Sword but has the additional ability to damage shields. This weapons does one point of damage per strike against shields. Only the head of this weapon is valid target area (i.e. if a player is hit with the "wooden" handle, it does not do damage). |
![]() Damage: 1 Shield Damage: 2 |
Axe: Similar to the mace and flail in that only the head of the weapon does damage, this weapon does one point of durability damage to armour but two points of durability damage to shields. |
![]() Damage: 1 Weapon Damage: 1 |
Hammer: Hammers do one point of damage to bodies and armour but canst destroy weapons. Non-magical weapons have a durability of five against hammers (e.g. if a hammer strikes an opponent's weapon in any place five times, the opponent's weapon is broken and must be dropped). |
![]() (2-H) Damage: 1 (1-H) Damage: 1/4 |
Staff: This weapon has extreme reach. When used with two-hands, this weapon does one point of damage. When used with one hand, this weapon only does 1/4 damage (e.g. it would take four strikes to remove a limb or do a single point of durability damage to a piece of armour). |
![]() (2-H) Handle Damage: 1 (1-H) Striking Edge Damage: 1 (1-H) Handle Damage: 1/4 |
Spear: This weapon may not be thrown. When used with two-hands, this weapon does two points of damage with the blade and one point of damage with the handle. When used with one hand, this weapon does 1 damage with the blade and 1/4 damage with the handle. |
![]() (2-H) Handle Damage: 1 (1-H) Striking Edge Damage: 1/4 (1-H) Handle Damage: 1/4 |
Halberd / Poleaxe: This weapon may not be thrown. When used with two-hands, this weapon does two points of armor damage and two points of shield damage with the blade and one point of damage with the handle. When used with one hand, this weapon does 1/4 damage with both the blade and handle. |
![]() Damage: 1 |
Bow: Thou mayest bring thine own bow provided it meets safety standards. Arrows do one point of damage to bodies or armour. To prevent people from swatting arrows out of the air, if any part of an arrow touches a weapon, the weapon is destroyed. If a bow is hit by any weapon or spell, the bow is destroyed. For safety, bows should not be dropped if they are broken. |
![]() Damage: 1 |
Thrown Weapons: Thrown weapons act just like arrows in that they do a single point of damage and destroy weapons if blocked. Thrown weapons do not do damage against shields. Thrown weapons may not be picked up and re-used until the player resurrects. Thrown weapons may not be used by anyone other than the owner. Thrown weapons may not be used as melee weapons (e.g. if Player One purchased a throwing weapon, Player Two may not pick up and use Player One's throwing weapon). |
Magical Weapons
![]() Damage: 1 Indestructible |
Sword of Defense: Functionally identical to a One-Handed Sword but with an advantage. This weapon canst not be broken by any means. This weapon canst be used to block arrows, spells, and thrown weapons and is immune to hammer damage. Swords of Defense maybe purchased at the armoury or a regular sword may be enchanted. Swords of Defense (and similarly enchanted blades) have a strip of ORANGE cloth wrapped around their crosspiece. |
![]() Damage: 1 Poisons Opponents |
Assassin's Dagger: This weapon canst be destroyed by arrows, spells, and throwing weapons. This weapon is identical to a regular dagger except it canst poison an enemy. A player struck in an unarmoured arm or leg by this weapon loses that limb as described above but is also poisoned and has fifteen (15) seconds to live. After taking the initial damage from the strike (e.g. losing an arm) the player shouts "Poisoned!" and counts out loud to fifteen (15) at a rate of 1/sec. When the player reaches fifteen (15), the player dies. Assassin's Daggers may not be thrown. (Yes, I realize that I said twenty seconds in the video, but after play testing, twenty seconds is way too long and I'm not going to re-shoot the video) Assassin's Daggers have GREEN colored blades. Only daggers may be poisoned (i.e. thou mayest not have a poisoned sword or axe). |
![]() Damage: 1 Shield Damage: 2 Fire Damage Indestructible |
Flaming Daggers and One-Handed Swords: These weapons are immune to breaking. A player struck in an unarmoured arm or leg by a flaming weapon loses that limb as described above but is also on fire and has ten (10) seconds to live. The afflicted player must yell "On Fire!" and count out loud to ten at a rate of 1/sec. The player dies when the count of ten (10) is reached. A player may extinguish fire by stopping, dropping, and rolling before the count of ten (1) is reached. Fire is contagious. If a flaming player touches another player in an unarmoured valid target location (i.e. not a weapon, not the face, etc.) fire status spreads! Flaming weapons do one point of durability damage to armour and two points of durability damage to shields. Flaming Weapons have RED colored blades. Bastard and two-handed flaming swords do additional (and less) damage identical to their non-magical counterparts as described above. Shield damage doth not increase with longer weapons. For the fire effect to take hold, a full point of damage must be done (e.g. if thou dost use a two-handed flaming weapon with only one hand, thou must hit twice before thine opponent is on fire). |
![]() Damage: 1 Negates Magic Indestructible |
Magic Negating Daggers and One-Handed Swords: These weapons are immune to breaking. A player wielding a magic negating weapon is immune to all magic (including special royal abilities, Serpent Venom and Fire effects). A player wielding a Magic Negating Weapon may not be healed or magically resurrected (i.e. the player still resurrects, it just may not be accelerated with magic or special abilities). Magic Negating Weapons do one point of damage against armor durability. Magic Negating Weapons have BLUE colored blades. Bastard and two-handed magic negating swords do additional (and less) damage identical to their non-magical counterparts as described above. |
![]() Damage: 2 Shield Damage: 1 Indestructible |
Blackrock Daggers and One-Handed Swords: These weapons are immune to breaking. Blackrock Weapons do two points of durability damage to armour. Blackrock Weapons have BLACK (or dark grey) colored blades. Blackrock bastard and two-handed swords do three points of damage when used with two hands. However, while blackrock bastard swords do two points of damage when used with one hand, blackrock two-handed swords only do a single point of damage. |
Legendary Weapons
![]() Damage: 1 Indestructible Serpent Venom |
Serpent Venom Dagger: This weapon is indestructible. The Serpent Venom Dagger is similar to regular dagger except it canst inject an enemy with Serpent Venom. A player struck in an unarmoured arm or leg by this weapon loses that limb as described above but has only ten (10) seconds to live. During this time, the afflicted player is high on Serpent Venom and goes into berserker mode. After taking the initial damage from the strike (e.g. losing an arm) the player shouts "Serpent Venom!" and starts counting out loud to ten (10) at a rate of 1 count/sec. During this time, the player is invincible. When the player reaches ten (10), the player dies. A player does not enter Serpent Venom rage mode if the initial damage to inflict poison is lethal (e.g. torso shot or second limb damage). The Serpent Venom Dagger may not be thrown. (Yes, I realize that I said twenty seconds in the video, but after play testing, twenty seconds is way too long and I'm not going to re-shoot the video) The Serpent Venom ability may only be used only once per life (i.e. a player must die and resurrect before they may inflict more Serpent Venom) The player may choose when to inflict the Serpent Venom strike by yelling "Serpent Venom" when they strike. Once a player declares a Serpent Venom strike, every strike is infused with Serpent Venom until the player either makes durability damaging contact with an opponent or dies (e.g. a player may waste a Serpent Venom strike by hitting a armor). There is rumour that more than one of these daggers exist... The Serpent Venom Dagger is a customized "Serpent Latex Dagger" from Epic Armoury. It is customized with a green tinted blade and green wrappings on the handle. ![]() |
![]() (2-H) Striking Edge Damage: 3 (2-H) Handle Damage: 1 (1-H) Striking Edge Damage: 1 (1-H) Handle Damage: 1/4 Indestructible |
Hoe of Destruction: This weapon is immune to breaking. This weapon does three points of armour damage (i.e. it will kill through metal armour in one strike) with the striking section but zero damage with any other section. Does one point of damage against shields. The Hoe of Destruction is Calimacil's "Ace of Spade" with a red tinted striking area (pic coming soon). |
![]() Damage: 2 Shield Damage: 2 Fire Damage Flame Strike Indestructible |
Flame Sting: This weapon is immune to breaking. A player struck in an unarmoured arm or leg by a flaming weapon loses that limb as described above but is also on fire and has ten (10) seconds to live. The afflicted player must yell "On Fire!" and count out loud to ten at a rate of 1/sec. The player dies when the count of ten (10) is reached. A player may extinguish fire by stopping, dropping, and rolling before the count of ten (1) is reached. Fire is contagious. If a flaming player touches another player in an unarmoured valid target location (i.e. not a weapon, not the face, etc.) fire status spreads! Flame Sting does two points of durability damage to armour and two points of durability damage to shields. Once per life, a player wielding Flame Sting may point the blade at an opponent and yell "KAL FLAM CORP" three times. The afflicted player is on fire as detailed above. The target must be within fifteen feet of the caster and the incantation should be loud enough that everyone near by hears it. If the target is unaware that they were affected, politely tell them. Flame Sting is Epic Armoury's "Hellfire Latex Sword". |
![]() Damage: 2 Shield Damage: 1 Negates Magic Silences Opponent Indestructible |
Magebane: This weapon is immune to breaking. A player wielding Magebane is immune to all magic (including special royal abilities, Serpent Venom and Fire effects). A player wielding Magebane may not be healed or magically resurrected (i.e. the player still resurrects, it just may not be accelerated with magic or special abilities). Magebane does two points of damage against armor and one point of damage against shields. Once per life, a player wielding Magebane may point the blade at an opponent and yell "IN AN ORT" three times. The afflicted player may not cast magic until they resurrect. The target must be within fifteen feet of the caster and the incantation should be loud enough that everyone near by hears it. If the target is unaware that they were affected, politely tell them. Magebane is a Malik, from Calimacil with a custom blue blade, embellished with silver and gold paints with glitter. The grip is adorned with glow-in-the-dark sinew. ![]() |
![]() (2-H) Damage: 3 (1-H) Damage: 2 Shield Damage: 1 Death Strike Indestructible |
Shade Blade: This weapon is immune to breaking. This weapon does two points of durability damage to armour and one point of damage to shields. Once per player's life, this weapon may be ordered to kill another player by shouting "Arcadion! Take the life of this one!" and pointing at the player in question. The afflicted player immediately dies. Magic Negating Weapons and Magebane do not protect against this ability. The target must be within fifteen feet of the caster and the incantation should be loud enough that everyone near by hears it. If the target is unaware that they were killed, politely tell them. If this weapon is dropped on the ground for any reason (e.g. disarming, clumsiness, etc.) it transfers to the next player who picks it up. This is the only weapon that canst be taken by other players. The Shade Blade is a Dark Angel II, from Calimacil with a custom, black blade, embellished with blue paint and glitter. ![]() |
![]() Damage: 3 Shield Damage: 2 Indestructible Cursed |
War Bow of Blood: This weapon is immune to breaking. A player struck by arrows from this bow takes three (3) damage (shields take two (2)). However, there is a cost. The extra power imbued into the arrows comes from the wielders own life force! Thus, a player may only fire the bow five times (hit or miss) before s/he succumbs to the curse and dies. The player goes through the regular resurrection steps upon death (i.e. counting out loud, ghosting, returning to base). A player who has died from the bow's curse may not be resurrected faster by magic, even the powerful magic of Lord British! The War Bow of Blood is a fully custom bow ordered specifically for HoBLotH III. ![]() |

- A player must not be moving and must have both feet (or knees) on the ground.
- A player must be holding the reagent in hand.
- For Second Circle spells, a player must also hold their open spellbook (journal containing the spell decal) in the hand opposite the reagent.
- A player must shout the incantation loudly three times.
- A player must successfully complete the follow up casting action for the spell.
- For wind spells, a player must discharge their reagent for exactly five (5) seconds. The player shouts the count while discharging their reagent. A player may discharge the reagent in any direction as long and their feet do not move. If a player moves their feet, is hit by an opponent, or stops the discharge before five seconds, the spell fizzles. If a spell fizzles, the player loses the arm holding the reagent. If a player discharges the spell for longer than five seconds, the spell goes critical and the caster dies. If a wind spell goes critical, any player tagged by the spell (other than the caster) does not suffer the effects of the spell (positive or negative). Any player struck by the reagent suffers the effects of a successful casting, friend or foe, including the caster, so mind the wind!
- A player discards (i.e. drops) the spent reagent(s) if applicable. Wind spell reagents should not be dropped. Empty wind spell reagents may be discarded only outside of the field of play (no one wants to fall on a hard can).
If a non-wind spell fails, the player must immediately drop the spent reagent(s). A spell will fizzle if a player moves while casting, casts the spell too quickly, misspeaks the incantation, takes damage while casting, or fails the casting action of the spell. Spells regenerate upon resurrection. Players may not pick up spent reagents except when resurrecting. Players may only gather back as many reagents as they "own." (i.e. thou mayest pick up other people's spent reagents as thou resurrect but thou mayest not pick up more than thou purchased in the shop) Reagents are provided by the event.
First Circle Spells
Spell | Incantation | Reagent | Post-Incantation Casting Action |
![]() Fireball |
IN VAS FLAM | Red Tailed Ball | The player throws the ball at an opponent. A fireball destroys a weapon on impact and does two points of durability damage to armour and shields. A player struck in an unarmoured arm or leg by a fireball loses that limb but is also on fire and has ten seconds to live. The afflicted player must count out loud and dies when the count of ten is reached. A player may extinguish fire by stopping, dropping, and rolling before the count of ten is reached. Fire is contagious. If a flaming player touches another player in an unarmoured valid target location (i.e. not a weapon, not the face, etc.) fire status spreads! Once the fireball hits the ground, it is dead. A fireball may bounce off a player into another player and continue to cause damage. |
![]() Heal |
IN MANI | Strip of White Cloth | The player wraps a strip of cloth around a destroyed limb (i.e. arm or leg). Once the opposing ends of the strip touches, the affected limb is restored. This does not restore armour durability. This spell may be used on oneself or on another player. |
![]() Resurrect |
IN MANI CORP | Three Strips of White of Cloth | A player must be on their knees for the entirety of this spell, including the incantation. After the incantation, the player lays the reagents on a dead or Ghost player. This affected player resurrects immediately on the spot. |
Second Circle Spells
Spell | Incantation | Reagent | Post-Incantation Casting Action |
![]() Flame Wind |
IN FLAM HUR | Red Silly String | Players struck by the reagent in a successful casting of this spell suffers damage identical to that of the Fireball spell. A player takes damage everywhere the reagent touches. |
![]() Healing Wind |
IN MANI HUR | Yellow Silly String | Players struck by the reagent in a successful casting of this spell will recover any lost limbs or, if dead, resurrect at the end of of the casting. Remember, if the spell fizzles or goes critical, there is no effect. |
![]() Poison Wind |
IN NOX HUR | Green Silly String | Players struck by the reagent in a successful casting of this spell will become poisoned, even through armor. A player poisoned by this spell is not affected by berserker rage like serpent venom. Afflicted players must immediately shout "POISONED!" and begin counting. The afflicted player has fifteen (15) seconds to live. At the end of fifteen seconds, a player must die on the spot. Poison death may be stopped with a Heal spell or Healing Wind. |
![]() Freeze Wind |
IN FRIO HUR | Blue Silly String | Players struck by the reagent in a successful casting of this spell must immediately yell "FROZEN!" and begin counting to fifteen (15) in one second intervals. For the duration of this countdown, the player may not move their feet. If a player moves their feet before their time is up, the player dies. The player may still move everything else (i.e. they may still fight). If a frozen player is struck with a Fireball, Flame Wind, or Fire Sword, they become instantly unfrozen and take no damage from the strike. Strikes to a frozen player's legs have no effect. |
![]() Time Stop |
AN TYM | TBD | This spell may or may not be present at the event |
Special Abilities
Certain players will have special abilities thou needst be aware of.

- Lord British: Lord British canst heal and resurrect ad infinitum. To resurrect, Lord British must be within five feet of the deceased, wave his hand, and say the incantation: IN MANI or IN MANI CORP. These abilities may only be used once per minute (players, help enforce this please!).
- Blackthorn: Blackthorn has special throwing items that kill instantly, regardless of armour. These items may not be used by anyone else. These items may be picked up and used ad infinitum by Blackthorn. If a player picks one up, it kills the player. (i.e. players canst not help Blackthorn gather ammo) Lord British is immune to Blackthorn's throwing weapons as well as the wielder of Magebane.
Player-Brought Equipment Rules & Safety Guidelines
Players may furnish their own weapons & armor provided they meet the following criteria. All weapons/armor is subject to a safety check and may be disallowed at the whim of the host. Safety comes before all other rules.
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Melee Weapons: Hand-to-hand weapons must be sufficiently padded on all striking points (e.g. a sword's blade, staff's tips, etc.). The pommel of a sword, dagger, or mace, need not be padded but players may not use the pommel portion for striking. Similarly, handles of maces or bladed staves may not be used for striking. Melee weapons may not be thrown. Blades and "metal" striking edges must be silver, light grey, or white (see Magical Weapons below). Weapons of the following brands are allowed without prior authorization: If thou dost have a LARP weapon of a different brand, please mention the item during registration and the host will discuss it with thee during thine interview. |
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Thrown Weapons: Thrown weapons (and reagents) may not have any type of rigid core. Thrown weapons must be pure latex or foam. Foam/latex balls with weighted cores specifically designed for LARP may be allowed. If thou dost have something like this, please mention the item during registration and the host will discuss it with thee during thine interview. |
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Bows, Crossbows, & Arrows: Budget depending, a supply of combat legal bows may be furnished by The Hearth. Thou mayest bring thine own bow or crossbow provided the following criteria are met:
These rules are not negotiable. If a target is in close range (i.e. within 25 feet of thee), players only draw the bow halfway. LARP safe arrows will be furnished by The Hearth. Broken and/or mended arrows may not be used. For those interested in purchasing the exact arrows that will be used at the event ahead of time for practice, please contact the host. The host recommends the following sources for bow & arrow products:
Note: Thou mayest bring "bigger" bows and target arrows for non-combat archery (i.e. target practice) but they will not be allowed on the field of play. |
Magical Weapons
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HoBLotH Veterans may bring magical weapons to the event to start with an advantage. New players may only acquire magical weapons through questing or by purchasing them with in-game currency in the armoury. Veterans may NOT furnish magical weapons for new players but may give that player in-game currency or help that player quest for a weapon. No players may bring their own copies of Legendary weapons to the event (in the event of accidental duplication, a substitute will be provided). Illegal magical weapons will not be allowed. Magical weapons have the following criteria:
Magic weapons may only have one ability (e.g. thou mayest not have a flaming magic negating sword). Thou mayest purchase colored bladed weapons from various vendors or through Calimacil's Custom Sword Maker. |
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Cloth, Leather, and Plate Armour: Armour of all types and materials (yes, even plastic) is allowed provided the following criteria is met:
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Shields: Shields follow the same rules as armour with the following additions: