Frequently Asked Questions
slew of questions
. Hopefully this will help...This page is in dire need of wordsmithing which is on the tudu list for October 2015.
General Questions
General - Answers
Dragonsmeet Etiquette
Dragonsmeets are streamed live using Google+ Hangouts On-Air. You will be able to stream the broadcast from The Hearth of Britannia home page or from The Hearth's YouTube Channel. (Subscribe to be automatically notified when the video posts)
When a Dragonsmeet is in progress, a link to join the Google+ Hangout will be on the home page and the dragonsmeets page . Joining will allow you to participate in the discussion. To join a Google+ Hangout, you must have a Google+ account and have logged in at least once. (If you are trying to connect through a mobile device but have not yet fully set up your account by logging in, you may not be able to join the Hangout).
Please pay attention to the following points of etiquette:
- Links to watch and join will be posted ONLY at this website in order to allow the host to best focus on the event.
- If you join the hangout, *please wear headphones* The echo can become horrific.
- We try to rotate people in and out as much as possible, especially when special guests are in. If you are in the hangout and only listening instead of asking questions when a special guest is present, please consider dropping out. You can always come back.
- In the event that then hangout is full and a special guest cannot get in, I will ask for volunteers to drop out. Please be Virtuous. If the Virtues have all been forsaken, I'll roll a die and pick someone at random to boot. It's not personal!
- When a Dragonsmeet is scheduled, there is often an accompanying schedule. Please check this schedule to determine how much participation is expected for each segment:
Semi-Open Hangout: For performances, demos, and lectures. Questions will be taken from the hangout on a limited basis. Please remain muted until indicated.
Closed Hangout: People can join the hangout, but questions will not be taken. Please remain muted at all times.
Your attention to detail will help the Dragonsmeets run smoothly. Thank you so much and remember, if you can't get in or don't want to be on camera, you can always participate by emailing contact@hearthofbritannia.com ahead of or during a Dragonsmeet.
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May I Make a Donation?
If you're a huge fan of The Hearth of Britannia and would like to show support, you may make a donation please use the button below (and thank you!):
Instead, please contact The Hearth and wait for instructions.
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