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Event Archives
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HoBLotH III: Lifeblood of the Hearth
Wednesday, Just 1st - Sunday, June 5th, 2016 • Austin, TX
Somehow managing to be even larger than HoBLotH II, HoBLotH III was the first Hearth run event that was explicitly both an Ultima and Shroud of the Avatar event. Again with over 200 prep hours from the host alone with several hundreds of man-hours more from the near-hundred attendees, this event surpassed HoBLotH II to reign supreme as the largest, most complex Ultima LARP event in history. With a budget in excess of $10,000, The Hearth challenged attendees to bring their own quests and activities to Castleton for all to enjoy. HoBLotH III was nearly a full week filled to the brim with more than you could ever possibly hope to do in a single event.
Event Site Archive
Links coming soonHoBLotH II: Legends of the Hearth
Saturday, November 15th - Sunday, November 16th, 2014 • Austin, TX
Clocking in at over 200 prep hours, this event was the largest, most complex, and possibly only Ultima LARP event in history. With a budget of over $12,000, The Hearth put on a weekend long quest for 40 attendees with a star studded NPC cast of over 20 former Origin staff members. Attendees were tasked with attaining Avatarhood through mastery of the eight Virtues (or through the eight alternate Virtues of Mandrake!) Questers spent the fully catered weekend engaged in intellectual puzzles, dances, feasts, battles, rabbles, and even a concert by the The Spacebards (a.k.a. Recap). Rustic proudly states that this event was the largest and most wonderful accomplishment of his life.
Event Site Archive
Event Prep Album - FB Album (1 of 4) - FB Album (2 of 4) - FB Album (3 of 4) - FB Album (4 of 4)Hearth of Britannia: Lords of the Hearth (HoBLotH)
Saturday, November 16th - Sunday, November 17th, 2013 • Indianapolis, IN
Rustic opened his home for a a weekend long semi-LARP event in Indianapolis that served the same meal that was designed for the Lords of the Manor event described below. For this event, one did not have to be a $10,000 backer of Shroud of the Avatar, one simply had to make it to Indianapolis (wearing appropriate garb, of course). The food was copious, the libations were flowing, the boffers were boffering, and a grand time was had by all. Special guests included Tracy Hickman (in person) and Lord British and other Portalarium staff via Google+ Hangouts. Some of the event was live-streamed but technical difficulties limited the ability to stream the entirety of the event.
Event Site Archive - Facebook Event Page
Facebook AlbumVideos:
HoBLotH (1 of 3) - HoBLotH (2 of 3) - HoBLotH (3 of 3)Lords of the Manor Dinner & Prep Streaming
Saturday, October 5th, 2013 • New York, NY
One of the rewards for Lords of the Manor, the highest pledge level Kickstarter backers for Shroud of the Avatar, is to attend an event at Britannia Manor IV in NYC with Lord British. Rustic was asked to prepare a special meal for the very first of these events. Not wanting to leave the community behind, Rustic attempted to live-stream the entire prep of the meal. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, approximately only half was streamed. Regardless, a fun time was had by all.
Event & Prep AlbumVideos:
Kitchen Prep Cam (1 of 2) - Kitchen Prep Cam (2 of 2)Hearth of Britannia: Telethon of the Avatar (HoBTotA)
Saturday, August 24th - Sunday, August 25th 2013 • Indianapolis, IN
The event that arguably put The Hearth on the community's radar, the HoBTotA was the world's first entirely fan-run fundraiser for a high-budget commercial video game. Despiste not reaching the audacious goal of raising $1,000,000 in a single day, with sponsorship from Unity and the help of many folks in the community at-large, this 24 hour live-streamed event raised $12,999 in a single day for Shroud of the Avatar. This event included interviews, competitions, prize drawings, musical performances, discussions, and much more.
Event Site Archive - Facebook Event Page
Event & Prize AlbumVideos:
HoBTotA (1 of 6) - HoBTotA (2 of 6) - HoBTotA (3 of 6)HoBTotA (4 of 6) - HoBTotA (5 of 6) - HoBTotA (6 of 6)
Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter Celebration
Saturday, April 13th, 2013 • Indianapolis, IN
A live-streamed dinner party using authentic Hearth of Britannia recipes to celebrate the successful Kickstarting of Shroud of the Avatar. During the stream, Rustic let viewers observe the kitchen activities, told viewer's fortunes Ultima VI style with potions, interviewed some of the Portalarium staff, and gave away generously donated prizes. This event came to be known as the first Hearth of Britannia Dragonsmeet and set the tone and demand for all future meets.
Event Site Archive
Event & Prep AlbumVideos:
Pre-Event Prep - Kitchen Prep Cam (1 of 4) - Kitchen Prep Cam (2 of 4)Kitchen Prep Cam (3 of 4) - Kitchen Prep Cam (4 of 4) - Event Cam (1 of 3)
Event Cam (2 of 3) - Event Cam (3 of 3)