Lifeblood of the Hearth
Guest List
76 Confirmed Attendees • 24 Remaining Spots • 1 Applicant Pending Confirmation/Payment

HoBLotH Veteran

Traveling vintner that has seen a large portion of Britannia. Has learned a considerable amount about spell casting by having been asked to gather reagents while traveling town to town, but can not cast. Currently becoming rather well known for the latest vintage which has been rumored to have a magical property. (Which I deny!)
Amethyst al'Fahn

Married to Tachys, Amethyst's life is nothing short of interesting. Mastering the skills of a seamstress, this lovely stout woman can often be heard wondering aloud "What has that man gotten himself into now?" while either traipsing along side Tachys to aid him on his next adventure, or busily stitching together the wreckage of his last!
Athanasius Rild

Normally known simply as Rild, Athanasius is of the brooding and rogue-ish sort. While an excellent drinking companion, and known for his generosity with the flagon, he often prefers his own company, or that of the ravens and crows that often circle near him. Some say it is a dark magick, others say his emaciated body long ago lost the power to consume food and that is why he tosses his morsels to the wind. He revels as the black birds snatch them up, singing and intoxicated. Like his friends, he delights in shiny baubles and sparkly trinkets, and his motto is "My Song is Death".

Auora is that crazy crafting cat lady that your parents warned you about, and yet you find yourself unable to stop watching as she spins wool into yarn, then turns the yarn into shawls!
Blake Blackstone

Blake is a merchant more than anything but wields a bow and axe to defend against the vile beasts and men that roam the lands. Peace is always preferable to bloodshed, but the latter happens more often than not.

I am a miner, who has learned to fight to survive in my choosen profession and I go about my work. "I toil in the mines so others can have arms and armor to fight!" "I toil in the mines so Mrs. Brickbat has pots and pans at home!" "I toil in the mines to hide from witchs like Inu and the elves of Heartwood!" "I toil in the mines to earn my way in this wicked land! A pox on Mondain!" "I toil in the mines searching for signs of the King's return! For Sosaria and the King!" "I toil for my Brothers and Sisters in Arms!"

Cabirus is an old man but appearing slightly younger. He has some magical and healing powers and did some virtues deeds for the land and its inhabitants in the past. Curiously he has sometimes some problems with the language. Cabirus origin is uncertain, he was seen both in Britannia and - much later - in New Britannia. What is for sure is that he isn't a native from Britannia.
Cthrek'Goru Tazar

Tazar is a retired Captain of the Britannian Royal Guard from the Atlantic Shard. After our true King, Lord British, journeyed from the land, the Usurper Lord Blackthorn assumed the throne. To support the Kingdom and keep an eye on the new King, I acted as Governor of Moonglow until the King pardoned a mass murderer. I then rebelled against the king attempting assassination which led to banishment from the land and a search of the multiverse, following the true King of Virtue to Novia.
Dame Valentine

Spiritual guide of the Space Bards.
Danden Pendragon

Images of grandeur bewitch me not, for the glory of love and compassion will always be my guiding light in search of truth.
Darthan Haj

Darthan Haj is a humble fighter whom seeks out truth love and courage. Whilst ready to fight for virtue and those in pearl he uses his intellect to resolve disputes and trials without taking the lives of others.
Das Bunk

Dominus Dragon

Dominus is an honest fighter that cares a lot about his friends and will go out of his way to help them. Nethertheless he has a temper which can fuel his rage in a fight but can be a problem in social life.
Dravyn Darkmoor (Sempiternal Dragon)

Dravyn was a promising upcoming lord of Magincia until he was casted out by his father for reasons unknown. He secured passage to Buccaneer’s Den and eventually made it his home. Looking more like a knight than a brigand, Dravyn’s presence is hard to miss on the Den. He is also a cohort of the infamous “Pirates of Oasis,” with the likes of Smitty, Raxxus, Ty of Britain and Das Bunk. He indulges in their unquenchable quest for glory, riches, drink and women - by whatever means necessary!

Born of the land, salt of the earth. Strong as stone, solid as rock. Unshaken leader. Accomplished warrior. Lead belly.
Farrier Dragon

Affably helpful laborer-type; rather than the hero type, he's the quintessential forgettable NPC.

Born into a long line of mages who sought to better the path of man, Fenris has sought a different path. A path of power. A path of self fulfillment. Some would say, a path of darkness.
Flair Minamoto

Flair has traveled many lands and fought for many lords. She tends to do what she feels is right no matter what others think. A very loyal person to those she is close to and would defend them to the death.

Gilli is a bard who runs away from scary creatures and PVP. She only enters battle if absolutely necessary. Gilli enjoys adventuring with companions and helping others. She also is pretty good at singing.
Gix Vargach

Gix is often found on a barstool rambling about his days as a soldier, single-handedly fighting the likes of trolls, phoenix, and dragons. While highly doubtful, he insists between hiccups that his tales are true.

A paladin from distant lands, Goldenflame is is primarily interested in two things- being the best person he can, and doing what is right. Some feel this makes him a drag at parties, but they don't know what they're missing.
GoldenWing Okhan

Governor of Radio City

Crafty and intellectual, yet brave and energetic; Goldmanager seeks to be the best at any task put before him. He manages the other-worldly Space Bards with a fierce conviction, and legendary thirst for gold.
Heather of Cove

Heather is a fine blacksmith, and Guildmistress of the Cove Merchant's Guild. Her secondary passion is cooking and she dabbles in some brewing and even a little alchemy. She combines her varied talents and interests to produce a mixture of minerals with ore to create armor that is available in every color of the rainbow.
Hobbit Dragon

The garrulous, pipe-smoking and beer guzzling Hobbit enjoys rabble, teaching others and the occasional bit of combat. Puzzles, challenges and especially maps are intriguing, but among all things, the Hobbit prefers to sense, share and receive the principal of Love.

An adventurer that seeks the path of knowledge, and offering his aid to those in need. Quick in wit, he would as soon turn foe to friend over a drink, unless anger cannot be soothed except by blade.
Jack Knyfe

Jack Knyfe is a tailor by trade, mage by necessity, and adventurer by circumstance. Quick-witted and sharp, he sees to the core of situations quickly.
Jack SinAssist

As a student of magic, Jack sits and observes the world around him hoping to find the secret to the Truth. Jack has a tendency to make his observations part of the public domain with his partner in crime Lazarus. In New Britannia, they spend their days commentating on the world around them and occasionally sallying forth to conquer the world.
Jenny Phoenixfyre

I am the wife of Kazyn Phoenixfyre, leader of the Phoenix Republic. I love watching and participating in Brittanian social events.

A steady fighter who will not give up.

The Beardy adventurer who knows how to fight but prefers to rabble (while fighting)!
Kacey Cupcakes

Kacey appears to be weak and slightly dim. Looks can be deceptive though. He watches and studies the world around him, springing to action whenever the need arises.
Kazyn Phoenixfyre

Leader of the Phoenix Republic, Scholar and Arcane Archer. Kazyn Phoenixfyre is the embodiment of social graces but wears none of the foppish outfits or other Barons or Counts of a similar lineage. He is hardened by many years of loss and strife but emboldened by the opportunities afforded to him to lead the Phoenix Republic.

Koa is a lifelong mage whose short attention span has prevented him from ever focusing on a specific discipline. He instead travels the world to discover and dabble in the exotic and lesser known magical arts. When not adventuring Koa is usually found at the local tavern spending his hard earned coin.
Kraygor Ironmug

Hailing from the village of Kingsport Kraygor has left for greener pastures. Packing all he can carry of his brewing equipment, weapons and armor (to ensure his head remains secured to his neck) he has set forth to make a new life in the lands beyond be it by plying his brewing skills or his fighting skills, either way someone's getting plastered.
Lady Addy

Soft spoken Mage , willing to help anyone in need. Will not look for a fight but will not leave a friend in need.

Collector of information, tradesman, tinker. Spending his time collecting odds and ends and dabbling in the arts of magiks and alchemical concoctions he prefers to chat with the locals and spend his days mixing up brews and other helpful remedies amongst other things. Usually found in the same haunts day by day he spends his spare time reporting the local news about the lands.
Loony Loyd (Lawrence Lancelot Loyd

He has had enough with the bulk of human “civilization”. Being violated in so many ways from politics, egos, vices and how all have their justifications for it all. He now spends his days with nature more so than should be healthy. He can be smart mouth at times, but mostly vulgar and blunt with details and truths about human depravity. SotA version: The kobolds society is indeed enticing. His brain is now fractured. Speech patterns are jumbled. He can be hard to follow when talking.
Luka Melehan

Luka doesn’t like to talk about her past. There were husbands and children, ups and downs. Fond memories and memories not so fond, becoming even more distorted in her dreams. Because of this, she is slow to get going in the morning, often spending her first hours before a fire, alone with coffee, knitting and melancholy. The Luka most folk know is cheerful, helpful and wise in a way that only comes with age. She can hold her own in hunting parties, whether it be by healing, or having her leader’s back. And she will defend her home with maternal veracity. She enjoys singing, drumming, stitching and drawing.
Madame Lisette Dubois

Primarily a tailor by trade, but also an archer as it gives the skills needed to gather materials for her craft.
Marcus Skywing

Hailing from the British Isles, Marcus first crossed worlds at five years of age when the Quest of the Avatar was brought into being and forever changed his life. A follower of the Age of Enlightenment since that time, and somewhat downhearted with how Old Britannia met its demise, Marcus is still a staunch believer in the Virtues and in developing the innate goodness of people. Always values the company of Companions. Curious to learn of New Britannia.

Minerva is the mother of Duke Violation and assists in supporting multiple towns in Novia. She spends time gathering and building to care for the people in her community. She is a lover of beauty and children.

The mage Mythuvir is a traveler who enjoys visiting distant and unexplored lands, learning about cultures and histories. The mage enjoys crafting magical talismans and items, learning new magics from his peers and sharing stories around the firepit. His favorite magic is gate travel, for what of the grandness of an adventure if one cannot bring others to share it with?
Onyx Fasthund

Onyx enjoys doing crafts and socializing. Playing with friends and helping others.
Pirate Carrie

Pirate Carrie will out-drink and out-fight you and there's nothing you can do about it.

Rasalon has quested in the lands of Britannia many times, as either a fighter or ranger, being one of the first people to set foot in Britannia in Ultima I through Ultima V. (I bicycled down to the computer game store on release day for all five Ultimas).
Raven Swiftbow

Raven Swiftbow fled from the old lands of Siege Perilous, following Cthrek'Goru Tazar, who had visited her clan there and was well respected by them as a man of honour. The new lands sounded very enticing – a good place for her to continue honing her skill with the bow. She has now settled in Tazar’s town of Falling Waters Fortress, although she knows her wanderlust will lead her far and wide into the new lands.
Raxxus Buttbeard

Starting life as a humble carpenter in Britain, Raxxus quickly became a formidable fighter while defending himself from beasts and foes alike in Lord British's forest. Becoming bored with a mundane life of a tradesman, Raxxus has taken up the cause for wenching, drinking, and stealing as a vagabond rouge! It soon became obvious he belongs in the most nefarious groups in Britannia, Pirates of Oasis (PoO). All hail Pirates of Oasis... huzzah!!!!
Ricarda Cabirus

Ricarda is a woman in her sixties, but she looks much younger. The open-minded and communicative healer has a predilection for good music and talking. Ricarda is the wife of Cabirus.
Roper Docholiday

I am an emissary guild leader for my two guilds. i am an chaotic neutral ranger. I am highly honorable in my principals and code. However crossed a fierce adversary. Quiet camp site manner but a fierce warrior on the battle field. loves working as a team member regardless of the battle field or camp side activities.

Aspiring adventurer who enjoys seeing people smile :)
Shamus Runeville

Shamus Runville is a lone warrior from a noble house that has forsaken his family title. He has chosen to live a life in the wild and on the road. He helps those in need where he can and generally gets into trouble for strangers he doesn't even know.
Shamus Turlough

Born of an unholy union between a lich and a woman of ill repute, Shamus has an innate talent for magic, especially dark necromancy. He rarely practices it anymore since he met his love, Lady Tia, and does not want to scare her away.
Sianna Thorne

Sianna is a jack-of-all-trades sort of girl. She loves nothing more than sailing the open sea but can also be found fighting for a good cause on land. Her roguish nature and sense of humor run at odds with her sense of right and wrong.

Siderious is a tough, young man coming of age in the country side. He is very physically adroit and can wield all manners of weapons. He does not remember much about his family, only that he has had to fend for himself ever since he can remember. He is not evil per se, and does follow his own path of virtue. However, having to fend for himself all his life, he is naturally distrustful and reserved from others around him. Recently, a newcomer has come into the picture claiming to be a long-
Sir Dan Span

A bard known for his prowess in the art of spoken word, often seen in the company of fellow minstrel Sir Dom John, brewing Neon Milk and shapeshifting into various characters to disguise his true nature.
Sir Dom John

A bard of many trades who likes to dabble in a little bit of everything the realm has to offer. Disguises, shanties, and brewing Neon Milk are just a few of his past times. Or... perhaps this too is just a disguise, and he's really a skittish old woman, or frisky bellowing wizard.
Sir Edward Vitralis

Knighted by Lord British in November, 2014, Edward Vitralis is a wanderer rendered from daubs of many different colors, though many would agree that it's mostly blue. A notorious fencer, musician, chef, traveler, and craftsman, his wanderlust keeps him continually on the move, searching for new experiences to sate his ever present curiosity.
He hath never been defeated in a contest of belches and will readily duel any person who dare say otherwise.
Slashing Dragon

A traveller of time and space, he enjoys creating worlds for other people to live in.

This small mage is very clever, artistic, creative, mischievous and clumsy at times, but can mesmerize and inspire the citizens. Comes from a long lineage of master magicians and has inherited their gift to create powerful spells. Everyday the mage continues to discover his own strength and magical capabilities.

Seeker of plunder, purveyor of drink and possessor of questionable morals. Smitty is a part of the infamous brigand group PoO (Pirates of Oasis) with the likes of Raxxus, Ty of Britain and Das Bunk in their unquenchable quest for glory, riches, drink and women by whatever means necessary.


Syndelle is a very quiet person. She loves to be with people and helpwhen she can, but she will stick to the shadows most of the time. She is also a healer. She loves animals, nature and music. While she is not a front fighter, she is a good asset when something needs to be done discreetly.
Tachys al'Fahn

A short, stout sea dog, Tachys ("Ta-KISS, if ye must know, ye illiterate, land-lovin' son of a...") is possessed of a great and abiding curiosity that fairly drags him to see beyond the next horizon. This propensity has often led him to travel where wiser souls might fear to tread, and yet he lives. Somewhere along the way, he managed to pause long enough for Amethyst to catch his eye, and the chaos that has ensued is legendary, some might say infamous, in certain realms!

Curator of the Origin Museum, Tastrick is a Bard with a quick wit and enjoys the company of others. There is always a drink to be had, and a story to be told when spending time with him.
Tia Turlough

Tia Turlough is a ranger mage that is also a crafter at heart. She loves to help others in crafting their armor and household items. She also love to be the healer in a group to keep the folks alive and healthy.
Trady Blix

Trady Blix is a grim faced warrior who wields a wicked blade said to be forged from the thigh bone of a daemon. Having for many years pillaged, lived the life of an outlaw, sellsword and mercenary, jaded and embittered by doing the biddings of the evil enchantress Minax, he now seeks absolution for his evil deeds as the generous owner of the tavern "The Purple Wurm" in Buccaneer's Den, playing (woefully) his lyre and buying drinks for the patrons in an effort to assuage his guilty conscience....

His sword and ax are his words. His actions are brave and daring and few dare challenge him in one on one combat. Will you dare challenge Trauts?
Ty of Britain

Notoriously, a cheeky lad who finds himself in hairy situations. Famously, the kindest guy who can be found in the docks of Buccaneer's Den. Buy him a drink at the Fallen Virgin Tavern and you can count on his vassalage!

Umuri is a roaming gypsy who is as at home in plate as he is in arcane cloth and hat. Learning what he can and trying anything he hasn't, he will promptly make a fool of himself to grant a smile to others. Dance is his bardic expression of choice, knowing a great many to teach and loving to learn more.

The Unseen Avatar has dedicated himself to the virtues and seeks to promote balance between the followers of Chaos and Order as they seek their path. He is always up for a drink, laugh, duel, or general revelry.

Highly skilled in healing, curious magic & unarmed combat through years of quests, but prefers observation, creation and songs to battle and worldly experiences.
Vega Lightfinder

Vega Lightfinder is lightning quick in wit and leg. Lightfinder hails from a place that many know, but few hold in high esteem; as such, she is often met with mistrust. While generally truthful and open-minded, she can be deviously cunning. Danden Pendragon is her steadfast partner, though their true allegiance remains elusive: they are both villainized for the heartless assassination of Lord British, and celebrated for the conniving plunder of Lord Blackthorn's purse.
Voyager Dragon

He once voyaged through Britannia in his youth, and was present for the ages of the Avatar. For many years, Voyager searched for a way to return to that land, summoning the arcane arts to reconstruct a moongate to that world, but only mearly discovered a clearer lens to its past. Now, with Britannia all but a distant memory, Voyager hears rumors of a mysterious hearth that, like the ancient city of Dawn, only appears when the moons are aligned just so...
Wind Silvermoon

Sitting quietly in a corner cloaked in a purple cape you can barely make me out, the candle hits on my green eyes so you wish to know about me? I am Wind Silvermoon, I was once an apprentice for the local temple, however bandits stole me and taught me the way of shadows and thieving. When I became older, the leader who looked at me as daughter sold me to the town mage and I learned fire and storm magic to aid the farmers. He is gone now and I am here alone, waiting for the next adventure.

Winfield is a mage and fisherman. He walks the path of neutrality following as many virtues as possible. He is patient, thoughtful and understanding, while being a bit forgetful. People know him to be a leader and diplomat helping people follow their own paths. He is the Governor of a town called PaxLair in Old Britannia and New Britannia. Winfield enjoys listening to soothing music, drinking a glass of mead, and spinning a good fish tale.

I am but a humble magician from the town of Vesper. Came from nothing, but now I offer you a few parlor tricks, perhaps a showcase of spells for amusement. We could hunt a dragon if thou wishesth it!