Lifeblood of the Hearth
Dramatis Personae

Richard Garriott de Cayeux
Lord British
Some sort of mini bio could be written here but let's face it, if thou hast to read the bio, then this event is not for thee. ;) Lord British himself will be present giving quests, engaging in combat, and rewarding the Virtuous.

Warren Spector
Dr. Spector / Zipactriotl / Spektor
Game developer, designer, producer, educator, and more, Warren Spector will be visiting HoBLotH III briefly to answer questions and greet questers.
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Starr Long
Lord Blackthorn / Darkstarr
In addition to Lord British, his long time rival, Lord Blackthorn/Darkstarr will be present and stirring up trouble. Who knows what shenanigans will ensue in his presence...

David Watson
Iolo Fitzowen
David Watson, the real-life counterpart of the Virtue Companion Iolo Fitzowen, will be joining us as well. Both in-game and Earth-based incarnations of Iolo being grandmaster bards, accomplished fencers, and professional crossbow makers. Iolo may train thee as well as provide music for all to enjoy!

The Horse
Iolo's faithful steed, tasked with saving the world from the ever growing nemesis of hay, Smith will be present to give us indispensably helpful clues for our quests and wow us with his dashing good looks.

Dallas Snell
Dallas Snell went from hobbyist programmer to Executive Producer for Ultima VII and is now leader of the Tribe for Shroud of the Avatar. Dallas has had many incarnations in worlds other than Earth including Gorn in both Balema and Britannia, DeSnel in Britannia, and Dallas Garrett on Earth/Mars. Wilt thou stand a chance against this deadly duellist?
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Steve Hemphill
The Avatar?
According to Iolo and Richard, Steve is "the original Avatar." Despite humbly resisting that title in the Ultima universe, he has more than earned his place in Ultima history. Steve worked at Origin in the mid 90's and was a strong force in running Richard's spookhouses and legendary birthday events. Now famous for coordinating Austin's Lysts on the Lake, Steve will be a wonderful repository of fun stories at this year's event!

Talzhemir Mrr
Known by many names, this ex-Origin employee is almost as mysterious as her Britannian alter-ego! Penumbra, as you no doubt will recall, played a very important role at the end Britannia's Age of Enlightenment and the beginning of the Age of Armageddon. Will you have to battle poison and sleep fields to have your fortune told? Only the brave will find out!

Mike Nystul
Mike Nystul (Yes! "Nystul's Magic Aura" Nystul!) is an acclaimed author of a great many tabletop roleplaying books and co-author of the Knights of Legend manual. He is the alter-ego of Nystul, the court wizard of Lord British though multiple ages of Britannia.

Denis Loubet
Monsieur Loubet
Denis Loubet, artist for almost all of the box covers and the lion's share of manual illustrations for the Ultima games, will be attending! Known as Monsieur Loubet in Serpent's Hold during Britannia's Age of Enlightenment and as Denys in the Valley of Eodon, will the real Loubet be as fearsome a fighter as his Britannian counterpart? We'll see!
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Jeff Dee
Legendary artist Jeff Dee, the real-world counterpart of Arturos, the self-proclaimed King of the Gypsies (don't tell Zoltan!), will be joining us. Don't let your horses get too close though, they may end up with a nasty case of Arturosis...

Scott Jones
Lord Nimrond
Art Director and Concept Artist for Ultima IX and UI artist for Ultima Online and Shroud of the Avatar, Scott Jones will be returning for second his HoBLotH appearance! Also known as Nimrond, the cart bearer in Britain during the Age of Armageddon, Scott will bring something unique the event, guaranteed!

"Mr." Mike McShaffry
The "Mister" of house of games in Buccaneer's Den in the Age of Enlightenment, Gordy's real-world counterpart, Mike McShaffry, worked as a developer and project manager at Origin from Martian Dreams to Ultima Online. Mike also helped Richard with his spook houses and will be a welcome addition to the HoBLotH cast!

Robin McShaffry
U7 Travel Agent
Known as the "U7 Travel Agent" in the U7 credits, Robin McShaffry worked the Britannia Manor spook houses in '90, '92,' and '94 putting performers into full blown Hollywood level prosthetics and worked in the marketing department at Origin from '94 to '98. Robin will definitely have some great stories for us!

Matt Schmitz
Lead Animator at Portalarium for Shroud of the Avatar, Matt will be in attendance Wednesday only so buy him a beer and get animated!

Joseph Toschlog
Rustic Dragon
Proprietor of the Hearth of Britannia, amateur chef, former fencing instructor, and crazy Ultima fan, Rustic Dragon is creating, administrating, and hosting this event. Inspired by Lord British's legendary events, Rustic has been putting on non-typical events (i.e. not boring parties) for over ten years and is hoping HoBLotH III will be the most interesting yet.
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