Hearth of Britannia Logo

Lifeblood of the Hearth


by Jack Knyfe

Jam Session with Jack Knyfe!

  If music be the food of love, play on! Jack Knyfe is calling all those who can bring a musical instrument to do so, for a casual jam session with classic Ultima tunes, a few from Shroud of the Avatar, and other surprises!

Wednesday, 20:00 - 22:00


Jam Session with Jack Knyfe!

  If music be the food of love, play on! Jack Knyfe is calling all those who can bring a musical instrument to do so, for a casual jam session with classic Ultima tunes, a few from Shroud of the Avatar, and other surprises!

Thursday, 20:00 - 22:00


All Quests/Activities subject to change

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"Welcome, O Seeker!"

"At last thou hast come to fulfill thy destiny," the gypsy says. She smiles, as if in great relief.
"Firstly, I needs must ask," the gypsy slides a parchment and quill toward thee...

"By what name shalt thou be called in Britannia?"