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Lifeblood of the Hearth


by Jouten

Fight for Valor!

  Sir Jouten wishes to fight in this foreign land's style of combat. He'll be at a disadvantage due to habits, but a hearty smack to the rump will be what he'll aim for!

Wednesday, All Day


Fight for Valor!

  Sir Jouten wishes to fight in this foreign land's style of combat. He'll be at a disadvantage due to habits, but a hearty smack to the rump will be what he'll aim for!

Thursday, All Day


Learn the HEMA!

  Sir Jouten, The Argent Dragon, shall demonstrate and teach participants how to fight with their arming swords like a 16th century German swordsman.

Thursday, 12:00 - 13:00


Fight for Valor!

  Sir Jouten wishes to fight in this foreign land's style of combat. He'll be at a disadvantage due to habits, but a hearty smack to the rump will be what he'll aim for!

Friday, All Day


Fight for Honor! Fight for Valor!

  Sir Jouten, The Argent Dragon, wishes to see a real fight! The victor shall receive a weapon to further their training! (This weapon can NOT be used at the HoBLotH!)

Friday, 12:00 - 13:00



  Got a beard? Want a beard? Like beards? Come do beard stuff.

Friday, 14:30 - 16:00


All Quests/Activities subject to change

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"Welcome, O Seeker!"

"At last thou hast come to fulfill thy destiny," the gypsy says. She smiles, as if in great relief.
"Firstly, I needs must ask," the gypsy slides a parchment and quill toward thee...

"By what name shalt thou be called in Britannia?"