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Lifeblood of the Hearth


by Winfield

Storytelling: Fish Tails, er Tales! (kick-off)

  Do ye have a story to tell? (does not need to be a fish tale) Do ye like to hear great stories? Do ye seek to be a storyteller? Grab an ale or mead. Come to this Kick-off of "Storytelling: Fish Tails, er Tales!" all-day activities (Thursday/Friday) ending Friday night. Hear a story or two, get ideas, ask questions, try out ideas, and then onward ye go to be great Storytellers! See the accompanying Storytelling activities on Thursday and Friday. Tell a tail, er a tale!

Wednesday, 21:00 - 22:00


Storytelling: Fish Tails, er Tales! (ongoing)

  Do ye have a story to tell? (does not need to be a fish tale) Do ye like to hear great stories? Be bold ... "Hear ye, hear ye! I have a great story to tell ye all! Give me an ear and ye won't be disappointed!" This is VERY casual and yer story can be epic or about how ye stood in the long line at the privy that morning. Tell tales to others and have them sign yer "pages". BONUS: see other events then afterwards, tell the story to others about what happened!

Thursday, All Day


Storytelling: Fish Tails, er Tales! (ongoing)

  Do ye have a story to tell? (does not need to be a fish tale) Do ye like to hear great stories? Be bold ... "Hear ye, hear ye! I have a great story to tell ye all! Give me an ear and ye won't be disappointed!" This is VERY casual and yer story can be epic or about how ye stood in the long line at the privy that morning. Tell tales to others and have them sign yer "pages". BONUS: see other events then afterwards, tell the story to others about what happened!

Friday, All Day


Storytelling: Fish Tails, er Tales! (finale)

  We bring the finale of Storytelling to the Theatre stage, just before Late Night Rabble. 'Tis a great time to welcome all the Storytellers throughout the week to come on stage and be rewarded. We can hear some of the best tales too! Get your Storyteller pages to Winfield beforehand if you can. This is MC'd by Winfield, casual, and audience-participation oriented. Be bold, brave, and creative ye storytellers ... for the future of our legends and history resides in your minds and voices.

Friday, 22:00 - 23:00


All Quests/Activities subject to change

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"Welcome, O Seeker!"

"At last thou hast come to fulfill thy destiny," the gypsy says. She smiles, as if in great relief.
"Firstly, I needs must ask," the gypsy slides a parchment and quill toward thee...

"By what name shalt thou be called in Britannia?"