Hearth of Britannia Logo

Lifeblood of the Hearth


by Brickbat

Gather Ore

  Brickbat needs your assistance in gather ore for his crafting efforts.

Wednesday, 10:00 - 12:00


Gather Ore

  Brickbat needs your assistance in gather ore for his crafting efforts.

Thursday, 10:00 - 12:00


Gather Ore

  Brickbat needs your assistance in gather ore for his crafting efforts.

Friday, 10:00 - 12:00


Gather Ore

  Brickbat needs your assistance in gather ore for his crafting efforts.

Saturday, 10:00 - 12:00


All Quests/Activities subject to change

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Hast thou read and understood all of Decrees and Rules for the event?

Also, please be sure that thou dost read throughout the character creation process.


"Welcome, O Seeker!"

"At last thou hast come to fulfill thy destiny," the gypsy says. She smiles, as if in great relief.
"Firstly, I needs must ask," the gypsy slides a parchment and quill toward thee...

"By what name shalt thou be called in Britannia?"