Hearth of Britannia Logo

Lifeblood of the Hearth


by Trauts

Fight for Honor

  Trauts wants to fight only the most worthy of opponents. If thou dare test thine skill against him thou may be deemed worthy.

Wednesday, All Day


Fight for Honor

  Trauts wants to fight only the most worthy of opponents. If thou dare test thine skill against him thou may be deemed worthy.

Thursday, All Day


Try the nectar of the citrus Gods

  Come if you dare to try thine taste buds with the nectar of the citrus Gods!

Thursday, 20:00


Fight for Honor

  Trauts wants to fight only the most worthy of opponents. If thou dare test thine skill against him thou may be deemed worthy.

Friday, All Day


Fight for Honor

  Trauts wants to fight only the most worthy of opponents. If thou dare test thine skill against him thou may be deemed worthy.

Saturday, All Day


All Quests/Activities subject to change

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"Welcome, O Seeker!"

"At last thou hast come to fulfill thy destiny," the gypsy says. She smiles, as if in great relief.
"Firstly, I needs must ask," the gypsy slides a parchment and quill toward thee...

"By what name shalt thou be called in Britannia?"