The Hearth Goes Vegan!
March 16th, 2022
This is something I've been struggling with for several years. Since around 2014, I began to gravitate toward a vegan lifestyle for the "big three" reasons: health, ecosystem, and compassion for animals (Compassion, after all, is a Virtue). I increasingly struggled with my own cognitive dissonance regarding authoring a cookbook that includes instructions on how to procure, prep, and cook so many meat based dishes when in reality, I really just wanted to hug every cow I see.
Recently, I realized that I may never be able to reconcile these differences and mentally decided to abandon the cookbook in favor of a vegan lifestyle because it is unarguably the right thing to do in my opinion. While I was sad to see the cookbook be shelved, I found immediate peace in my next meal and I knew that I'd absolutely made the right decision. However, after a few days, I had an epiphany.
Back when I originally thought of creating this cookbook, companion cookbooks for games and large IPs were not a thing yet. I thought the idea was groundbreaking at the time, though myriad companion cookbooks of varying quality have been made since then. However, I realized that not only could I still push forward with the cookbook, but I could also return it to a groundbreaking status by making it fully vegan. To my knowledge, no fully vegan fantasy companion cookbook exists.
So today's announcement is that as of March 5th, The Hearth of Britannia is now fully vegan. All future events, recipes, and collateral will be vegan to align with the Virtues of Compassion, Justice, Sacrifice, Spirituality, and Humility.
Don't worry, I promise it will still be tasty. ;)
Walk in Virtue,Rustic Dragon