Contest winners will be announced at 8:00 p.m.!
Intro Silliness
A Young, Kooky Mage:
"Call it a Dragonsmeet, call it what you will. Either way, it's sure to be a thrill."
A Frazzled Old Woman:
"Horance?! Are you posting things on the internet again?"
" mother dear! I'm to myself I fear...
...for I don't know yet just what to say,
but here I am, typing anyway..."
Horance's Mother:
"No more internet rhymes and I mean it!"
Strange Disembodied Deep Voice:
"Anybody want a peanut?"
Horance's Mother:
Shroud of the Avatar
Kickstarter Celebration
Saturday, April 13th
15:00 EDT - 23:00 EDT
Indianapolis, IN
To request my address to attend in person, or to ask any question, please contact me via:
Vitralis on SoTA chat
Joseph Toschlog on Facebook
(Click Here to View
the Facebook Event)
Most recent livestream links/updates will also be posted via my Twitter
Join us o' seeker! This themed feast event is to celebrate the successful funding of Richard Garriott's return to awesome gaming, Shroud of the Avatar! The entirety of the UDIC is invited and/or any Ultima fan.
Costumes are encouraged. Triple crossbows should be left at the door.
Joe Garrity, of Origin Museum fame, has volunteered to donate a few interesting Ultima/Origin items to use as door prizes! (See Livestreams below for more details)
For those of you who cannot make it to Indiana, fear not! Several Livestreams and Google Hangouts will be set up. See below for more details.

Please understand that this is only a tentative schedule. The schedule will likely be in flux until Friday night/Saturday morning. Guests/prizes subject to change.
Friday Evening/Saturday Morning:
Livestreaming of Food Prep Begins (Details posted soon
Saturday 3:00 p.m. EDT:
Food hits the table, party starts, and Google hangouts officially open
Saturday 5:00 p.m. EDT:
Fortune Telling Begins
Saturday 7:00 p.m. EDT:
Music Conservatory Opens
Saturday 9:00 p.m. EDT:
Toast to Portalarium! (with Portalarium guests!)
Sunday 8:00 p.m. EDT:
Contest winners announced!
Starting Friday night and running through Saturday morning (while I'm awake, of course), a livestream will be running so you can watch me bake the bread that is so integral to our celebration. Tag along if you want. Feel free to ask me questions via the channels mentioned above. If there is enough interest, I will open this to be a hangout instead of just a stream.
Fortune telling! Join us via Google Hangout to have your fortune told, Ultima 6 style, as we pour the mysterious liquids into the glass. To particpate, just join the hangout (will be updated once live) and we'll work with you. Unfortunately, you have to be here to actually drink the liquid. ;) One lucky attendee will have their fortune mixed, not with vodka, but with skittles. Their fortune will be placed in a glass potion jar and mailed to them! (not yet sure how we're going to choose the lucky one though...)
Music Conservatory! Are you musically talented? If so, join our Google Hangout at 7:00 p.m. EDT and bring your instrument and/or your voice. Sing/play your favorite Ultima related melody. All who participate in the Music Conservatory will be entered to win one of Joe Garrity's prizes! (As a courtesy to performing musicians, please mute your microphone upon entering the hangout and only unmute when it's your turn to perform)
Toast! If you come for anything, at least come for the toast at 9:00. We're hoping to get a few folks from Portalarium on livestream to join us as we toast them for making our gaming dreams come true. Time permitting, everyone in the Google Hangout will be given a minute or two to express their thanks.

What is a celebratory feast without food? Come dine with us! Menu subject to change
- Maldric's Boar Ribs
- Boots' Roast Turkey
- Iolo's Brats
- Gordon's Leek & Potato Soup
- Cullen's Simple Bread
- Cullen's Milk Loaf
- Willy's Herb Bread
- Shubin's Magincian Pastry
- Assorted Vegetables
- Frasier's Folley
- Mead
- Ale
- Ilse of Jura - Superstition (for toasting!)
- Virtuous Vodka (Wine, women, and song)
- Skara Red
- Tea
- Coffee
- Water

Event streams will update here once they're broadcasting. If you believe that a camera should be broadcasting and it isn't, please reresh the page. If that doens't work, the camera is likely offline. When in doubt, check my Twitter. If there isn't a recent link, the camera shouldn't be on.
Anyone who enters the Google hangout will be entered in a drawing for one of Joe Garrity's donated prizes. (I'm 99% sure Google tracks all of the people that came and went during a hangout) The winner will be announced on this site Sunday after the hangover wears off. ;)
Please note that these livestreams/hangouts will be recorded and posted to my youtube. Don't embarrass yourself. ;)
Prizes from Joe Garrity! Joe: "These items were from Origin's actual holdings--including various advertising 'slicks' used to promote the games at conventions such as GenCon and E3, along with large slides used to make the actual box covers for various Ultima games. The prize comes packaged in an Origin folder. 2 of these sets will be given away."
Prize Pic 1Prize Pic 2
Prize Pic 3
Prize Pic 4
Party Cam(s)
Contest winners will be announced at 8:00 p.m. EDT
Congrats to the winners of the door prizes from yesterday's Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter Celebration. Stephen Emond is the winner of the "just showed up" door prize, Richard "Reiatsul" Lemon is the winner of the Music Conservatory participation door prize, and Chris Riley is the winner of the fortune telling door prize. If you guys see this, please pass me your addresses!